Tag Archives: kitchen

Read Blades — the next exciting chapter in Risuko!


In which Risuko, Emi, and Toumi learn a lot about knives — and rocks. (Teen Historical Adventure)

As I entered Kee Sun’s kitchen, I kept my face down so as not to catch Toumi’s eye, or Emi’s. I didn’t want either of them to see that I was upset. I took a stack of bowls and began to walk toward the dining hall to get ready for the mid-day meal, but Kee Sun stopped me. “No, girlie,” he chortled, his scar twisting, “Not to go in there this morning. Yeh don’t go in there while Lady Chiyome is running her ladies through their paces unless yeh want yehr head handed back to yeh in one of those bowls.”

I looked at him blankly.

“There’s classes yeh three aren’t welcome to join till yeh’re initiated,” he said with something like a smirk, “so we get ready in here and then run like wood demons to serve out the meal once they’re done. Now, set yehr little squirrel fingers to work.” Continue reading Read Blades — the next exciting chapter in Risuko!

Read Risuko: Chapter 14 — Squirrel on the Roof

14 —Squirrel on the Roof

Kee Sun celebrates Risuko, Emi, and Toumi’s first night at Mochizuki — though not without some unexpected flare-ups.

I was certain that Kee Sun wouldn’t let us eat until after all of the cleaning was done. But as we brought the last of the dishes in from the hall, we found the cook smiling and gesturing to the small feast that he had laid out for us on the low cutting table: grilled beef, kimchee, soybeans, rice—even sake—was set out just as it had been for the banquet.

“Magnificent!” crowed Kee Sun. “Perfect! Not a drop spilled, and everything served hot! The three of you girlies made the last two look like the clowns they are.” Continue reading Read Risuko: Chapter 14 — Squirrel on the Roof